User Activity

cilla10 replied to a question: Goodbye Italymag with: "Italy Mag"
cilla10 replied to a question: Learning Italian!! with: "  Thanks for all your"
cilla10 replied to a question: Wonderful Calabria! with: "Thanks Maralyn, Like you Ive"
cilla10 replied to a question: The Duck with: "Lovely joke!!"
cilla10 replied to a question: WARNING Ryanair weighing hand luggage with: "Hand luggage!!"
cilla10 replied to a question: Buying a Car in Italy with: "Buying a car!!"
cilla10 replied to a question: Car Insurance with: "Car Insurance"
cilla10 replied to a question: Beware insect stings with: "Those horrible bees!!"
cilla10 replied to a question: New to property owning in Italy with: "Welcome!!"
cilla10 replied to a question: Beware insect stings with: "Hornets!"