April's activity

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Tue, 04/17/2018 - 16:06

A fiscal code is not a problem. Only if for example you have not paid some due taxes in Italy, you will receive a notification at the address mention when requireing your fiscal code, and the It. Government will easely find you.The FC is basically necessery for the Italian Goverment to be aware of your fiscal situation and to have an address where they can notify you something.Because I understood that your boys do not have any fiscal connection in Italy (whilst you do as you have bought a house here and consequently you have to pay some taxes), I do not see creating a FC for them as a problem, however they have to give to the Revenue Office a justified reason why they need a fiscal code.

Tue, 04/17/2018 - 15:43

Hi, to open a bank account in Italy try with a different bank or an online one. Poste Italiane is quite "vintage", I had several problems with them when I had my account there.Re paying the bills when you are not in Italy, you can require to have them deducted from your account, usually the energy compay advantages you if you wish to pay directly from your own account as it's in their interest too.Otherwise, there are agencies or lawyers who can take care of your bills by having them sent to their office, but this service has a montly or yearly cost.Good luck!