User Activity

adriatica Image
adriatica replied to a question: registering your presence in Italy with: "i would not worry too much.."
adriatica Image
adriatica replied to a question: Would you vote Berlusconi if you were Italian? with: "opinions"
adriatica Image
adriatica replied to a question: help and advice with: "message"
adriatica Image
adriatica replied to a question: Basic needs of man: WATER! with: "anywhere in the south"
adriatica Image
adriatica replied to a question: caravan and dog with: "with caravan and no tolls"
adriatica Image
adriatica replied to a question: Ley Lines - is there an Italian equivalent with: "italian ley lines"
adriatica Image
adriatica replied to a question: Dog Sitter in or close to Ostuni with: "could try"
adriatica Image
adriatica replied to a question: Limoncello with: "try it from the freezer"
adriatica Image
adriatica replied to a question: earthquake regulations with: "they have not changed"
adriatica Image
adriatica replied to a question: Repairing our roof with: "nudity etc"