User Activity

Heiko Image
Heiko replied to a question: Windy Puglia? with: "windy places"
Heiko Image
Heiko replied to a question: Kercher case verdict to avoid brutta figura? with: "Ronald"
Heiko Image
Heiko replied to a question: olive picking with: "You could pick my olives..."
Heiko Image
Heiko replied to a question: red wine benefits with: "Here another link on the"
Heiko Image
Heiko replied to a question: Guardian Article with: "You wouldn't be following my"
Heiko Image
Heiko replied to a question: English usage in Italy with: "amusing signs"
Heiko Image
Heiko replied to a question: TV licence with: "boycott"
Heiko Image
Heiko replied to a question: olive picking with: "I'll send you a pm"
Heiko Image
Heiko replied to a question: weather forecast with: "The first time I saw one of"
Heiko Image
Heiko replied to a question: Hello and help please! with: "We used an English speaking"