Bernadette Hobart

User Activity

Moxie replied to a question: New here... with: "Hello !"
Moxie replied to a question: Thai Meal at Le Querce, Monte San Martino with: "Oh..."
Moxie replied to a question: Am I in yet???? with: "Sorry Anne"
Moxie replied to a question: Welcome Everyone with: "Oooooooooh!"
Moxie replied to a question: Welcome Everyone with: "Aaaaargh I'm never!!!"
Moxie replied to a question: Obituary Richard Soar / Barn Elms with: "Pm"
Moxie replied to a question: Thai Meal at Le Querce, Monte San Martino with: "Good!"
Moxie replied to a question: Things to do with the granchildren? with: "Hmmm..."