User Activity

Pacentro08 Image
Pacentro08 replied to a question: Driving in Sicily with: "Nice one, Snooty!"
Pacentro08 Image
Pacentro08 replied to a question: Paying electricity bills with: "paying with a pre-paid card from the UK?"
Pacentro08 Image
Pacentro08 replied to a question: Currency Transfer with: "Money transfer for house purchase"
Pacentro08 Image
Pacentro08 replied to a question: ici payment help desperate with: "ICI payment"
Pacentro08 Image
Pacentro08 replied to a question: Driving in Sicily with: "Great information - thanks"
Pacentro08 Image
Pacentro08 replied to a question: Pappataci-Midges with: "Nastier than midges"
Pacentro08 Image
Pacentro08 posted a question: Etymological dictionaries_title
Pacentro08 Image
Pacentro08 posted a question: Driving in Sicily_title