User Activity

Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: Private E-mails with: "I would not like my personal"
Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: Earthquake...... with: "Latest reports are 4 killed"
Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: How to live frugally in Italy with: "Don't pay your taxes and hope"
Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: Boundaries being reset ? with: "Why should it matter my"
Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: ITALIAN ELECTION with: "And into the vaccume"
Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: POPE FRANCIS with: "You read not all you speak"
Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: Private E-mails with: "It was the reference to"
Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: What are some people like.... with: "Nice of you to confirm my"
Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: How to live frugally in Italy with: "No one could accuse this"