User Activity

stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: 'Residential' versus 'fiscal' residenza with: "Thanks Panner, but..."
stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: How much for firewood this year?? with: "Depends on the type of wood, but..."
stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: New Central Heating System with: "Having one or...."
stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: Who is andrea??? with: "No emails and...."
stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: Paying electricity bills with: "Is the card for a Poste account?"
stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: POPE FRANCIS with: "Give the Vatican back to Italy..."
stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: Once I arrive in Italy I would very with: "Welcome Sonia. As long as you"
stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: We are thinking of buying a small place with: "No problem. A friends place"
stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: Please can somebody help and give me with: "I wish the was a "Modicasa""