clombardelli's activity

Questions Asked

House Insurance - post earthquake. Unsurprisingly, our insurance company - has withdrawn our house building and contents insurance on our renewal this year, already having withdrawn earthquake cover from September of last year.  Our house in March

Fri, 09/08/2017 - 06:19

I own a house in Marche, where we spend around 6 months each year.

Sat, 12/17/2011 - 10:36

We have had a house in Marche for 8 years, and a couple of weeks ago, for the first time, we received a bill from the tax office (Equitalia) - only for E43 - but it is for 'Consorzio Bonifica Musone Potenza Chienti Asola A.

Thu, 10/20/2011 - 06:51

There is so much to do and see in Le Marche during the summer with each small town celebrating with their own festivals.  Sometimes I only got to hear of them by word of mouth from other tourists, or our local Italian neighbours.

Mon, 06/15/2009 - 08:30

I love to cook, and whilst my italian is good enough for basic shopping does anyone out there know all the terms/names when shopping in the butchers or fishmonger.For instance I have a wonderful recipe I want to try for a boned chicken, which also

Sat, 06/13/2009 - 05:30

I own a house near Tolentino, with around 10 acres of land.  We normally manage to spend just the summers there, and whilst my local Italian neighbour farms the lands and keeps it tidy - we always seem to have a ton of general maintenance to do fo

Tue, 05/26/2009 - 09:01

Comments posted

Wed, 05/31/2017 - 03:44

Not sure about the subsidy question, but with regard to the value of land, Valori Agricoli Medi della provincia,  depending on what is growing on it, look up, and find your region and it will be divided up into Comune.I haven't used this for sometime - last time I printed off was 2007, but in the territory of Macerata in Le Marche, the value of uncultivated land per hectare was E2550, and the value of a Frutteto (which I think means an orchard) is E31,650 per hectare - a big difference.If the land has olive trees, the person selling will look to maximise the price per hectare , but you really need to understand whether they are productive olive trees. We approached a local farmer to buy some abandoned land,about a hectare, and expecting to pay around E5,000 totally overgrown for absolutely years, but it had old olive trees - not productive, and fruit trees and he wanted the maximum price - I think he wanted around E55,000. .  We declined.

Fri, 05/26/2017 - 07:55

Ugo do you have an article or Web site that I can look at in relation to this tax bonus. Thanks 

Tue, 05/09/2017 - 07:49

we use Groupama Assicurazioni S.p.a. Telephone number : 0039 0274 204274 Costs about E300 per person, we purchased it through a local insurance broker in Le Marche, and the Comune were more than happy with it and we renew it each year - and have never had the need to use it !

Fri, 05/05/2017 - 08:57

The plans held by the land registry - Pianimetria Catasatale - need to be checked against the plans held by your local Comune Planning Office. We bought a house some years ago where the pianimetria Catasatale matched the existing building and layout.  However we subsequently discovered that the previous owner had made changes (substantial) to the property without applying for any planning permission from the Comune. The previous owner's own geometra filed the revised plans with the Land Registry which they accepted.  The two departments apparently do not liaise with each other, and the only legal plans are those held by the Comune.

Tue, 04/25/2017 - 07:41

Thanks suzzec - that 81 page document that you linked to was in fact the goverment legislation with regard to repairs to houses that have been badly damaged - confirmed by my engineer this week.  So with a bit of luck we will be able to make some progress to get the comune to sign off our repair plan.Also see this link for Tolentino : says that if your house is badly damaged and ineligible to live in, you can file a form with the Comune which exempts you from paying IMU, TASI, IRPEF.  Needs to be in by 30th June.

Sat, 03/11/2017 - 07:36

Hi - sorry to hear about your house being damaged by the earthquake - ours too - quite serious damage. Your insurer is correct - there is new legislation produced by the Italian government - see this link new goverment legislation does not only cover the details of how a house will need to be repaired against  future seismic events, but also lays out the goverment financial compensation scheme. Most Italian homeowners don't have buildings insurance. (And our insurance company has now withdrawn earthquake insurance from our policy)Out of interest, our insurance company (a UK one) has actually paid out to us a large proportion of our claim, without any reference to this new law.  However, our Italian engineer has told us we cannot start work until the law has been developed into a set of instructions for engineers and architects to be able to submit formal plans for the repairs.  We are still awaiting these instructions although we are told it will be soon. Please pm me if you want to share personal experiences around this tragedy.

Tue, 02/28/2017 - 07:24

Is the 'safety bar' to do with earthquake prevention measures ?.  When we start to repair our earthquake damaged house this year we need to do some remedial work on the roof (not a whole new roof) and just wondered whether your comment related to seismic prevention measures ?

Sun, 02/26/2017 - 11:23

Just remember to check whether your attic is classified as Storage on the comune plans. If you want to change this to bedroom space you will need to apply for permission and pay a change of use tax. You could of course just ignore this and make the changes but it will come up if ever you sell your house in the future.       

Tue, 02/14/2017 - 04:44

That cannot be true, as we are not Italian and Telecom Italia installed a line for us - for phone calls - we are in  a country area - so no broadband available - unless via a mobile link. Do you think that maybe they are asking for your Codice Fiscale - which is a card/document that you need to have to buy a house in Italy - even as a non-resident.

Wed, 02/08/2017 - 06:03

Go and visit the comune planning office.  The house plans and land plans held by this department are in fact the legal plans.  It is possible to change the plans held at the Land Registry - planimetria catasatale - by making a false declaration.The Comune Planning office and the Land Registry are two different departments in Italy - and they don't communicate with each other - apparently.  The Land Registry relys on the declaration of an owner that the changes that they are registering have gone through the appropriate legal/planning process and they don't check.I know this to be a fact as I am in legal action with the previous owner of my property who registered plans at the Land Registry without applying for planning permission at the Comune.  According to the Comune the only legal plans are those held by them.