Montefalco Vineyard patchwork
Italian Landscape

Fall (Nov 2019) photo taken near Montefalco (PG) of various vineyard and olive tree plots.

Mt.Etna from Taormina, Sicily
Mary Malara
Italian Landscape

From one of the most beautiful places in the world, miles of spectacular views, evoking emotions that connect us all to this place.

Anghiari Roman road
Don Matthews
Italian Landscape

This old Roman road starts at the top of Anghiari town and runs straight to Sansepolcro. Its SP43 minor road ,and is the longest straight road we drove in 6 visits to Italy.

Podere Olive Trees
Frank Muto
Italian Landscape

After a day of rain and hail, we came back to our Tuscan villa in time for sunshine and later a spectacular sunset. The olive trees seem to be reaching up for every bit of sunlight left in the day!

Florence from Above
Eileen Senke
Italian Landscape

I took this photo from the Boboli Gardens while visiting Florence in September of 2017. It was an overcast, day but every where we walked the vibrant greens from the garden and the blue/grey sky set off the warm hues from the city set out below us. I have a love of any decorative iron work and thought it would make an interesting "frame" of the garden and city unfolded below a grey sky.

Tuscan Countryside outside Montepulciano
Bill Trowell
Italian Landscape

Taken June 2018 approximately 20 km from Montepulciano.

Florence Glimpse
Lora Barrett
Italian Landscape

The Duomo through an opening.

Top of the world in Abruzzo
Linda Dini Jenkins
Italian Landscape

This was taken from my hotel room one evening in the magical fortress town of Civitella del Tronto in northern Abruzzo. The light on the building was perfect and reflected beautifully on the mist as the land looks out to the Adriatic.

A view from the window at Tarquinia
Panteleimon Sokhadze
Italian Landscape

A sunny day in ancient Etruscan city

La costa amalfitana
Teresa Di Carlo
Italian Landscape

I believe this picture was taken in Ravello, overlooking the Amalfi coast.