
marcella Image
08/07/2009 - 05:06

The Italian tradition of going for an aperitivo at a bar before lunch or dinner is great...very civilised. The  bar snacks accompanying it can vary greatly, sometimes a few crisps and olives others quite a spread.Is it me or has this practice become expensive?  These nibbles are obviously not free...bars need to make a profit...but I've noticed in this part of Liguria it's become expensive, in some cases going for a more substantial snack or a meal seems better value. I always avoid the large bars/cafes in the  main piazzas but I'm talking about even the more modest 'local' bars.


Aperitivo!! I adore this word! "Happy hour" were once associated with beer. Now, if you go in an Italian bar - from 18 to 20 - you can enjoy an aperitivo and a lot of good "stuzzichini" with it, just ordering a bitter or a martini con ghiaccio. Of course the aperitivo is becoming more expensive, but you could consider it as an antipasto, cause you won't be too hungry after you had one.