User Activity

Suspected Aspergers replied to a question: IMU nightmare - what to do? with: "Local professionals"
Suspected Aspergers replied to a question: WHO - Mild autism - Formerly known as Aspergers to be renamed in 2013 with: "Thankyou"
Suspected Aspergers replied to a question: Dealing with rubbish on short breaks with: "Communal bins dont exist in my area."
Suspected Aspergers replied to a question: Camping - done it -arrived in Italy! with: "Helllloooo!!!!!"
Suspected Aspergers replied to a question: This site is getting worse. with: "Is this Latin?"
Suspected Aspergers replied to a question: WiFi Hotspot with: "TIM Coverage"
Suspected Aspergers replied to a question: Central heating & hot water advice please with: "Woodburners"
Suspected Aspergers replied to a question: New land tax? with: "I tried Googling this"
Suspected Aspergers replied to a question: internet connection with: "Try this link, saves you time"