chrisnotton's activity

Questions Asked

There used to be a little shop in Viterbo which sold Indian spices, basmati rice, poppadoms etc. I can't find anything about it now. Anyone know if it is still open? In bocco al lupo!

Thu, 04/25/2013 - 17:43

Ciao e tutti!I have virtually the same Honda scooter in rural Lazio & equally rural Bedfordshire. Same, value, milage NCB etc.

Fri, 08/10/2012 - 20:00

I came across this: seems to be a good range of BBC docs, Blue planet, Despatches etc.Pip pip

Mon, 05/28/2012 - 07:17

I found this useful article on another forum. Hope it proves of interest here: pip

Wed, 05/23/2012 - 20:23

Ciao e tutti,After 13 years it has finally become necessary to drive to Italy! I suppose it was inevitable.

Sun, 11/27/2011 - 21:02

Ciao e tutti, The other day, on the phone, I was casting about for a good translation of "flat-out", as in driving, running etc. I ended up with the rather feeble massima potenza, or a massima velocità.

Thu, 07/14/2011 - 20:29

Has anybody seen the "Mark forum read" buttonIt seems to have vanished with the latest updates.It's a real pain without it :o((

Thu, 07/07/2011 - 21:10

I don't know if anyone saw this: crying


Sun, 05/15/2011 - 09:13

Anyone know what's going on in "the other place"? blush

All I am getting is "This forum is closed"


Mon, 11/29/2010 - 22:12

Well it is nice to be back.

I haven't been able to login or reset my password for days. I usually login automatically with my browser so it isn't "just finger trouble"

Fri, 11/12/2010 - 07:55

Comments posted

Tue, 07/21/2009 - 20:25

Thank you Valentina that is very kind. I will send you a private message. Chris

Fri, 07/17/2009 - 20:35

Hi Trisha,You might find it useful to read some of the threads on the old forum: you can find some much cheaper insurance options if you need to go down that path: see this link (8-19 Euro per month depending on cover required)Apparantly this policy was enough to satisfy ASL demands for health cover for some forum members. Don't forget you can get at least two and a half years with an E106 this will only leave you with just a bit to find before you automatically get full status at retiremenmt age.See here: (It is from a France forum but they have the same arrangements.) Also just to encourage you I just got my Tessera Sanitaria without insurance by registering as an "imprenditore agricolo" (farmer). I just had to produce my carta d'identita, codice fisacle, & certificate of residence (now called "Attestazione di regolarità per i cittadini dell'Unione Europea") & my temporary Tessera Sanitaria was printed out on the spot with the plastic one to follow in the fullnes of "Italian" time. It took over a year and about 10 visits to Commune & ASL & a 2 to a tabacchi to get my "Marco Bolli" but you wouldn't believe how many people I know now! Salve   

Fri, 07/17/2009 - 20:02

Ciao e tutti No sign of any bag weighing either to or from Stansted - Ciampino this month!"in la bocca al lupo" 

Mon, 06/01/2009 - 22:27

Hi RamIs it this one:Scacciapensieri costa solo 124 euro all'anno (circa 11 euro al mese) per la protezione completa, che diventano 206 euro all'anno (circa 19 euro al mese) se svolgi una professione più esposta al rischio di infortuni. Nel caso fossi interessato invece solo alla copertura extraprofessionale, il prezzo si riduce a soli 88 euro all'anno (circa 8 euro al mese).Thanks 

Sun, 05/31/2009 - 21:41

Have a sniff round here of this might be of use to you.Pip pip 

Wed, 05/20/2009 - 05:26

:) Thanks. I used to occasionally pop by on my phone browser but it seems a bit more of a struggle without the "mark read" button !Ci sentiamoChris