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Fri, 03/12/2010 - 18:09

What's happened to poor old Saint Swithin, whoever he may have been. I hope he may be allowed into the conversation with these other upstarts!

Sun, 06/28/2009 - 17:59

 I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings but....... My beloved Border Collie, Cassie, contracted Leishmaniasis in France despite my taking every precaution. We purchased a Scalibor collar which Cassie wore 2 weeks before leaving for France in 2007. She developed lesions on one leg in early 2008 which a British vet thought was mange. It was spotted by a French vet in 2008 and a test confirmed leishmaniasis. Cassie accepted with good grace a gruelling course of injections and tablets but then she went down with lymphoma and after an even more gruelling course of chemotherapy she had finally to be given "sleep". I have tears in my eyes as I write this, but please be aware that the Scalibor collar does not offer 100% protection, as the French vet admitted.I have now had to revise any thoughts of living permanently anywhere near the Mediterranean. In fact, I don't think I shall ever take a dog outside the UK again. I feel very guilty and I urge all list members to inform themselves as fully as possible about this dreadful disease. Ben Fogle, the British TV wild-life, countryside presenter caught it in the Amazonian jungle [Peru], I believe, and has had to undergo unpleasant treatment. It can never be completely cured, as I understand it.