User Activity

Lynda replied to a question: Hi - I'm new to this! with: "Thank you for your welcome"
Lynda replied to a question: Hi - I'm new to this! with: "Hi Gala Placidia, Thank you"
Lynda replied to a question: Hi - I'm new to this! with: "Ciao Cinghiale,  Yep, it was"
Lynda replied to a question: Hi - I'm new to this! with: "Hi Francesca,  Thanks for the"
Lynda replied to a question: Italian Bank Account with: "Italian Bank Account"
Lynda replied to a question: Hi - I'm new to this! with: "Hi There, How long have you"
Lynda replied to a question: Hi - I'm new to this! with: "Our Journey to Sardinia"
Lynda replied to a question: To Valentina with: "Sorry Valentina, which other"