Aura of romance
Michael McCabe
Romantic Italy

Venetian mystique

Lisa McLaughlin
Romantic Italy

Beautiful Capri

Giardino Segreto
M Raywood
Romantic Italy

A glimpse of a lush and private garden in Firenze

Monteverde Sunrise
Michael Anthony Crivello
Romantic Italy

This photo captures the sunrise my wife Marian and I were awed by from the terrace of our rental apartment when we stayed in Rome (Monteverde) in 2014. [Note: Thanks for offering the sign-up for your newsletter, but I already receive it--and look forward to it!]

Peaceful lake
Marcela Sanchez T
Romantic Italy

This picture was taken at lago di como

San Pietro Sleeps
Keith Whatlin
Romantic Italy

A view along The Tevere down to St Peters at night

A moment in time in Florence
Pamela Jennion
Romantic Italy

While I was exploring the romantic cobblestone streets of Florence. I heard a horse clip clopping sound. I turned and snapped this pic just as the driver and horse passed by.

Taking in the view
James Driscoll
Romantic Italy

With the early evening sun highlighting one side of the canal, its hard to resist being captivated by the beautiful historic architecture of Venice; even draws the eye of a seagull or two.

Florence, Arno River
Maryanne Quealy
Romantic Italy

A beautiful sunset on the Arno in Florence 2017

Canals of Venice
Joseph White
Romantic Italy

Exploring Venice provides ample opportunity to take in the romantic feel of the gondolas, bridges, and alleyways.