Actress Marisa Merlini dies

| Mon, 07/28/2008 - 09:23

A leading character actor of post-war Italian cinema, Marisa Merlini, has died at the age of 84, her family announced Monday.

Merlini is best known for her role as the village midwife, Annarella, who marries Vittorio De Sica's police marshal in Pane, Amore e Fantasia (1953) by Luigi Comencini.

She also picked up a Nastro d'Argento (Silver Ribbon) critics' award for her portrayal of a melancholic tourist in Antonio Racioppi's Tempo di Villeggiatura (1956).

The Rome-born actress racked up over 40 films during her career and last appeared on cinema screens in 2005 with Pupi Avati's La Seconda Notte di Nozze.
