Amanda Knox Exclusive Interview to CNN

| Fri, 05/02/2014 - 11:13
A day after the Corte d' Appello (Court of Appeal) in Florence published its explanation for the latest guilty verdict for Amanda Knox (who got 28 and a half years) and Raffaele Sollecito (sentenced to 25 years) in relation to the murder of Meredith Kercher, Amanda Knox asserted her innocence in an exclusive interview to CNN. 
"I did not kill my friend. I did not wield a knife. I had no reason to", Knox claimed stressing that there was no evidence of her presence at the crime scene, no DNA, fingerprints, hair, or  other kind of traces. "In the month that we were living together, we were becoming friends. "A week before the murder occurred, we went out to a classical music concert together...We had never fought", Knox told the CNN.
According to Florence's court 377-page report the slaying was not the result of a four-way sex-game involving Rudy Guede (convicted to an unappealable 16 years in a separate trial), but there is evidence showing that more than one person killed the British student. The court's report placed Knox at the crime scene and claims she was actually the one who delivered the fatal knife wound to the victim's neck after a fight about rent money.
Knox and Sollecito have maintained their innocence since they were first convicted of murder in 2009 and the verdicts were overturned on appeal in 2011.
In March 2013, Italy's Supreme Court overturned the acquittals and ordered a retrial, but Knox had already  returned to the USA and did not attend it.  As the proceeding resulted in the convictions being reinstated, questions about Knox's possible extradition to Italy to serve her sentence have been raised. 
Knox and Sollecito are both appealing once again "I can prove my innocence," Knox told CNN.