A conversation at the greengrocer's

| Fri, 06/25/2010 - 04:24

Words by Pat Eggleton

If you’ve been following our language lessons and tips for the past few weeks, you are ready to complete this conversation in Italian. To do the exercise, you will need to refer to these lessons and tips:
Prego – a useful word
The auxiliary verb avere
How to say “of the” and “some”
The auxiliary verb essere
Regular –ere verbs
How to say “a”
Regular – are verbs
How to say “the” – 2: plurals
Greetings – When does the evening start?

Now see if you can complete this conversation correctly.

Dal fruttivendolo

You: Buongiorno, signora.
Shopkeeper: ________ , signora?
You: ____ [avere] _______ [some] albicocche, per favore?
Shopkeeper: Si. _______ [essere] buone.
You: _______ [prendere] _____ [a] chilo ____ [of] albicocche.
Shopkeeper: Poi?
You: Quanto _____ [costare] ____ [the] ciliege?
Shopkeeper: 2 euro al chilo.
You: Mezzo chilo di ciliegie, per favore.
Shopkeeper: Ecco. Altro, signora?
You: Si. ____ [the] mele, _____ [essere] buone?
Shopkeeper: Si, signora.
You: Allora, un chilo di mele, per favore.
Shopkeeper: Poi?
You: Vorrei _____' [a] anguria, per favore.
Shopkeeper: Ecco. ______ [desiderare] altro, signora?
You: No, va bene cosi, grazie.
Shopkeeper: 8 euro, signora.
You: Grazie. _______ _______ [Have a good day].