How to Say: Giving Compliments in Italian

| Tue, 05/12/2015 - 00:00
Learn Italian

After looking at terms of endearment last week, this week we’re going to look at words and phrases to compliment someone in Italian.

If you want to compliment someone on their achievements, you can say:

Bravo/a – or use the superlative, bravissimo/a – good, well done

Complimenti – congratulations, good job

Ex. Complimenti per il lavoro svolto – congratulations on a job well done

Or if they’re saying ‘complimenti’ to you, and you want to say thanks, you’d say, grazie per i complimenti.

If you want to congratulate someone on their graduation, engagement or getting married, a baby’s birth, or similar occasions, you’d use the word congratulazioni – congratulations.

Now on to complimenting someone for their looks and appearance (and you know how much Italians care about their style):

Stai benissimo! Or Come ti sta bene questo vestito – you look great in this outfit

Sei in forma – you look great, literally ‘you’re in shape’

If you want to tell someone that they look young for their age, you’d say: Porti bene i tuoi anni / Li porti bene or Non dimostri i tuoi anni / Non li dimostri

Sei simpatico/a – or the superlative simpaticissimo/a – this word doesn’t have a literal translation in English, the closest meaning is likeable, pleasant to be around.

Sei bella (for a woman) – you are beautiful

Sei molto carina – you are very pretty

As for complimenting someone on their cooking, you can say:

Questo piatto è delizioso - this dish is delicious

Che buono or è buonissimo - this is so good!