Italians' Life Expectancy On The Rise

| Thu, 03/27/2014 - 02:00

Italians are increasingly long-lived.

That's according to the latest census by ISTAT (National Institute for Statistics), whose findings were disclosed by the Coldiretti agriculture association during National Week for the Prevention of Cancer (March 16-23).

The data showed an increase of 138% in the number of Italian citizens over 100 in 10 years. There are now more than 15,000 centenarians in Italy.

Life expectancy for women, constantly on the rise, is 84.5 years; the same can be said for men, who have a life expectancy of 79.4 years.

Coldiretti pointed out that numerous scientific studies have demonstrated the crucial role played in longevity by the Mediterranean diet, declared a UNESCO Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Unfortunately, however, Coldiretti also explained how one of the effects of the economic crisis is that Italian households have had to cut down significantly on the purchase of typical products of the Mediterranean diet, especially fish (-20%), pasta (-9%), extra virgin olive oil (-6%), fruit and vegetables (-3%).