Join the Italy Grand Tour - Focus on Umbria!

| Tue, 04/18/2006 - 08:35

Over at the Italy Magazine Forums members have already embarked on a Grand Tour of Italy!

Following an excellent suggestion from one of our moderators we have embarked on a concentrated effort of sharing information about travelling and living in Italy, region by region, town by town.

Here is how it is going to work:

Every 21 days or so the Italy Grand Tour forum and our forum members will focus their energy in coming up with tips, stories and experiences about a specific region or area on the following topics:

See: What have you seen and what you would recommend others should see? Do you have photos from the region - post them in the forum!

Understand: Is there a particular custom, festival, way of doing things that needs a bit of explanation for the uninitiated?

Talk: Did you talk with the locals? What did you manage to get across? What did you understand from answers? Did the regional accent or dialect trip you up?

Get in: How did you arrive to the region?

Get around: How did you get around? Was it a vespa, an ape, a taxi or just a plain old car. Did you hire a bike or did you just walk?

Do: Other than the big monuments (that fall under the See category) what else did you do?

Eat: What did you eat and where?

Drink: What did you drink and where?

Stay safe: Any issues regarding safety? Do you have a story to share?

Now here comes the best part (or at least the next part!).

The information collected will not just be left languishing there for those lucky enough to be able to find it again. We will pull it all together, edit it, and make it available through a free to download PDF file that everyone can print and have as their own mini-guide when visiting the area.

But it gets even better!

The person who has offered the most informative, funny, exciting or in any other form or way significant comments regarding a region gets a free Italy magazine subscription AND a polo shirt! Of course many of our forum members already have subscriptions so in that case you will receive an equivalent gift through the Italy Magazine shop!

If you would like to make a contribution but do not want to join the forum then please leave a comment on this post.
