12173 Good Builder

Hi All,

Does anyone know of a good building company in abruzzo (pref. speaking English)



I do, it depends where you are in Abruzzo, what is your nearest town?

Hi Tizjohn,

You should find that there are a few in Abruzzo but again it depends on where in Abruzzo you are.
I recommend that you get three quotes (should you be able to find three English builders) or at least compare the quotes to Italian builders.

There are a few English speaking Romanian builders, but tend to use the same 'techniques' as the italain firms together with the prices.

You are more than welcome to contact me, {MODERATION} website link removed..and i do know that a company called something like craftsman of Abruzzo advertise too.

Best of luck,

Also Tizjohn,

be careful to ensure that you do not leave yourself open to hidden costs, these are normally called 'extras' by the builder. They tend to wait until they are approx two thirds of the way through the project and then you are told about these and that no more work can be done until these are either agreed (signed off or payment at the end) or payed there and then so that they can 'buy the materials they need to comlete the work'.....

I do not operate like this, lets face it there can sometimes be issues when working where something might be discovered during the building process that you can not see during the quotation but these should be signed off as they arise so that you can see exactly what you are paying or.

The British builders tend not to do this, even most Romanians and the odd honest italian builder but it is just a heads up when getting your quote. Make sure they tell you what is is they are quoting for and to talk you through the process.
From this you will get an idea if they know what they are talking about.

Good luck.

Hi anxanum,

Many thanks for your reply, I am close to the town of Penne.




many thanks for your reply, and or your advice.
I will take a look at your website.



if you need any help on the carpentry and joinery side click on my link to see what i could do for you

[quote=tizjohn;116930]Hi All,

Does anyone know of a good building company in abruzzo (pref. speaking English)


Hi tizjohn,

if you are still looking for a building company in abruzzo, I'll be happy to help you: I'm a geometra in Puglia, but I have business also in other areas of Italy (Basilicata, Molise, Abruzzo, Marche & Emilia-Romagna). If you want to ask me some questions or would like me to provide you with a quote, simply email me: [email]info@studiotroiano.com[/email]
I will always respond as soon as I possibly can.
bye for now

Hello Fulvio,

Thanks for your message, I have got a few quotes already from local builders and i am just waiting on one more. I will keep you in mind should i require your services now or in the near future. Many thanks again.


:[quote=ADG Building&Maintenance;117134]

You are more than welcome to contact me, adgbuildingmaintenance.com and i do know that a company called something like craftsman of Abruzzo advertise too.

Best of luck,

Tony, put me straight, i was told that ADG Building & Maintenance and Craftsmen of Abruzzo were/are run by the same person. Is this true? Any links at all?

Hi Rob,

No it's not correct, Craftsmen of Abruzzo is run by Andrew. I know him very well and have worked with him on some of his bigger jobs. They are a very professional company and do top quality work.
Craftsmen employ top tradesmen both British and Italian. Highly recomended if you or anyone is looking for quotes. Andrew is one of the nicest guys you could meet and talks you through the whole process of your build.
You can find them at [COLOR=#008000]www.[B]craftsmenofabruzzo[/B].com[/COLOR]

ADG, Is seperate and will be run by me once added to my new registration. Any day now.

If you need any advice over this forum or perhaps i can help with finding other builders i know in the area that you might want to contact for quotes if that is what you are looking for? please let me know.



Further to your reply;
1, Why did you say in your post that "they are called [U]something like [/U]craftsmen of abruzzo", when, really, you know them, as you say, extremely well. Which presumes you know EXACTLY what they are called.

2, Can you confirm that the ADG of ADG Building & Maintenance DOES NOT stand for Andrew D. Gill who you say runs Craftsmen of Abruzzo but has nothing to do with you.

Hi Rob,

When you asked me originally i could not remember if it was crafts[B]men or [/B]crafts[B]man [/B]as i do not work for them on a permenant basis but i sub-contract to them when they ask and therefore am not familiar with their website.
The second time you asked i done a google search and found the website FOR YOU and found it was crafts[B]men.[/B]

Secondly, Andy from craftsmen is Andrew (don't know his middle name) surname Dill (not Gill) and it's safe to say that as i sign my messages Tony the A in ADG is the longer version of this name.

If you would like to send me a private message i can arrange to meet you with Andy so that you can see we are not the same person and perhaps we an both give you quotes for any work you require?


"moved to italiauncovered.co.uk"

To me it is just the jealous English style attitude that I hate, try and dig the dirt as much as possible. The guy at ADG has explained himself (to me its none of the other guys business) so finish it at that children. The original post asked for a builder ADG is a builder so fair play, whats the problem, let people get on.

"moved to italiauncovered.co.uk"

rob has a long history on here so agree i suggest we await his reply... meantime an interesting fact is that none of the websites mentioned in this thread...been to all the homepages now.... have the required vat registration and office address on their pages

it is a requirement of Italian law that this is the way any person/company running a business here in Italy presents a web site

it should have been made clear to these people that they need to display this in their homepage... its also a requirement to show the way you are registered with the chamber of commerce in the province you work plus under what regime...ie builder... estate agent ... geometra ...or whatever...

obviously if you cannot supply details of your vat registration,your qualifications or whatever the chamber of commerce cannot register you

these facts are very important as recent events show... not only in regards legality but with abruzzo now having to rebuild its also a way of ensuring that anyone working here is paying the correct taxs... taxs we pay go to help the abruzzo recovery... and if we all pay our tax... well at least those of us resident in Abruzzo then Abruzzo does better... for instance the health service here is struggling as well and is now minus one hospital ... so people that avoid or mislead the italian system about their status are robbing the sick and poor if you take it down to basics..
i remember a thread on here a while back ...and there was quite a debate about people cheating the social system ... well this is exactly the same... a registered business here has to pay many taxs... including into the social security system here ...plus various local taxs...even invoices have to have stamps on that go to some local tax...

so my advice and it doesnt really matter if they are english run or not is that they get up to speed with rules and regulations and put their details where they should be so people are secure in the knowledge that these people are operating here legally as i am sure they all are...just didn't know the laws... the chambers of commerce which send these adversaries out maybe didn't send it to these people and that should they be used by anyone they have all the required indemnity insurances, issue the correct invoices with their partita iva and etc etc... and basically with each one being dependant on the other one is assured of at least legality

ie to register here with the chamber of commerce you have to have a partita iva, have a membership of a professional association that provides indemnity insurance to your client and a qualification recognised here to be able to carry out the trade/profession... down to artisan level...its a very integrated system

anyway to my mind its all very good the efforts made towards helping the abruzzo relief effort but not so good if the expats of any nation that are here are working without paying their dues ... taking money away from those that need it in a desperate time for the people of L'Aquila

Adriatica, I do love your long posts !!!
This thread started with a simple question and like many of the threads then turned into an arguement it really is pathetic.
Did you know that to be resident by law (even though you can be before if you wish) is to spend 12 months out of the uk that is 12 tax months ie April to April then you must declare resident in that country. Therefore you can run a UK business anywhere within Europe within this time before by law you have to change status. When you fill out your UK tax form you must declare money that is made in the European union in a seperate section, I am persuming that this then goes (or part of) goes to the European union thus meaning that all Europe gets the benefit, which is why the European union was introduced along with many other reasons, so your tax money will not just go to Abruzzo it will go to help the health service in other countries too. Please do not make out that everyone is acting in an illegal way just because there business is not registered here otherwise we must stop all sales reps travelling and anyone else who works abroad even for a couple of days.
The fact is the thread was simple I do not know how much you can say with regards to the work you do on these forums but a simple question was asked and answers were given.

"moved to italiauncovered.co.uk"

I think all of this would be best explained on another thread because the person who originally posted a question must be wondering, what on earth have I started !

I cannot speak for other companies but if you think a thread would be relevant I would happily explain our rolls as a company and as for using a geometra I agree 100% which is why we recommend one on our site.

People should also remember you do not need to use an estate agent to buy a house, you can just go to the Notary with the owner and buy one in fact it is a practice that happens a lot here, people just tend to use Geometras and Notaio's, why not cut out the commission !!

It is a good point to raise though when building use a good geometra and hopefully one in the area you are living in.

ADG made a first post, which was deleted and the reason given ‘self promotion in a first post’
Then miraculously and coincidentally Tizjohn joined and asked his question, opening the door for ADG to reply.

A similar thing happened on another forum.

Draw your own comclusions.

"moved to italiauncovered.co.uk"

Ciao Tony,

Thank you for your robust reply, i will pass this on to whomsoever asks. The best of luck in your new venture & hope your qualifications are accepted at the commune.

I would also like to unreservedly apologise to you should you have taken offence, that was not my intention. It just seemed to some people that there was a hell of a coincidence between both you and Andrew, added to by the fact that you are both based in Penne, have worked for him and the similarities of your initials. The implication being that one thinks one is getting 2 quotes, whereas it would only have been one.

I commend you on trying to start a building business around Penne as this region now seems awash with english builders. If we meet in the piazza, i'm buying.

To vigneverde; A tip; i would suggest you avoid jumping to conclusions until you are in possesion of all the facts. That way you don't make an fool of yourself.

Hi Rob,
My appologies if my response was a little off, i didn't mean it that way. Many thanks for your comments.

A very intresting read. Just to clarify my situation. I am a resident here and i am paying tax against my name and ADG is a company name that is being created for me by my commercialista. I am trying to drum up business for ADG and no work will start until i have my new registration details in place.
I did post a thread here that was deleted for self promotion and rightly so because i did not read the rules on this first, Nielo is refering to my post on Abruzzolutely (where there was no problem with advertising) that was picked apart when i too suggested that threads do not change their topic away from the original question.
[B][I]{MODERATION}Not relevant to this thread or forum; as ADG says, enough of that.[/I][/B]

I always recomend that you get more than one quote (3 is better) and do not go with the cheapest but with the one that talks you through the process in terms that you understand. Always get your permissions (if required) and pay the taxes because as pointed out big fines all round otherwise.
But lets be honest, some people want to save a little and this can be done by keeping it 'quiet'. Most Italian builders do this (how many Italian building van have you seen? because they don't want to be noticed at work...) and others too. One of the problems here in Italy is the fact that they avoid tax in any way possible.... which is a problem when earthquakes occur and the gov runs out of hospital money and not (in my opinion) the small percentage of expats.

My appologies tizjohn. back to original topic i hope.

Rats in buckets and Viper nests all about. Call the exterminator - hold a Kangaroo court and sell sea shells on the sea shore.

Life on the ocean wave.. :laughs:

"moved to italiauncovered.co.uk"

the significance of the original posting has actually been wiped from my mind as an historical event took place within... i almost fell off the chair... nielo thanked me... and i wish to record my thanks for his thanks...

i am sure tizjohn who now knows all the builders in penne will not mind me taking this off thread...in fact as a member with 1 thread to his name after... as i am sure he will .....have made more he will get used to it and might well be allowed to go off topic himself...

Torchiarloran, i could not agree more.

[quote=juliancoll;118816]Rats in buckets and Viper nests all about. Call the exterminator - hold a Kangaroo court and sell sea shells on the sea shore.

Life on the ocean wave.. :laughs:[/quote]

I dont often agree with Julian Coll, and it seems obvious, neither does anyone else on this thread because no one has bothered to reply to him.....probably, they're too busy scurrying around in the bottom of that bucket. The motivations evident here, real or imagined, boggle the mind.

"moved to italiauncovered.co.uk"

[quote=Torchiarolan;118853]hi Bunch.
I think juliancoll was actually commenting on something in ADG earlier post which has been moderated and removed by the admin as it would definitely have caused offence to someone else.
If you didnt see what was removed then juliancolls remarks would seem odd as they referred to the removed bits.
,....and I can assure that as one of the posters on this thread, I am not to busy scurrying around the bottom of a bucket to reply[/quote]

Sorry Torch, the trouble with these kind of posts is that everyone gets covered in the same effluent, regardless of whether they deserve it or not.........LOL:winki::winki::winki: