12209 Towns for Italian Alphabet

I know this is a funny thing to ask, but does anybody know the full list of which towns are used for the Italian alphabet when you are spelling out a word or name or codice fiscale. I know that N is for Napoli, and S for Siena but I really need to know the rest!
I am sure there is someone out there who knows a few more!!

Che significa? - Italian Language Queries

[quote=mammamia;117565]I know this is a funny thing to ask, but does anybody know the full list of which towns are used for the Italian alphabet when you are spelling out a word or name or codice fiscale. I know that N is for Napoli, and S for Siena but I really need to know the rest!
I am sure there is someone out there who knows a few more!![/quote]

[B][URL="http://www.transparent.com/italian/l%E2%80%99alfabeto-telefonico/"]L?alfabeto telefonico | Italian Blog[/URL][/B]

This is what you want... quicker this way than spelling 'em all out.

Oh and if 'X' ever crops up - that's Xantippe - San tip peh
'J' is E lunga
'Y' is Ipsilong

and 'K' is Kappa!

I'm not convinced that there is an 'authoratitive list' - just the biggest place you can think of beginning with the relevant letter. so R for Roma, F for Firenze, G for Genova, B for Bologna, M for Milano, D is (always) Domodossola, C for Como, T for Torino.

The other letters are perhaps more fluid - I use L for Livorno, A for Ancona, E for Empoli, I for Imperia and O for Otranto, but whether these are 'correct' I don't know - they work!

J is a pig, it either 'ee lunga' or Juventus, (but you have to hope the listener isn't an Inter fan). W is also tricky, and X is 'eeks'. H is 'acca', and K is kappa. Q - I dunno!

W wouldn't be that tricky because of the way it is pronounced anyway - very little chance of someone mishearing "Doppio Voo" as "V come Venezia" or "U come Udine".

Maybe there's an element of local pride about which variants to use?

I have heard 'I come Imperia' and 'S come Savona' on a number of occasions, but whether you would ever hear these in Puglia I don't know.

The Phonetic alphabet is supposed to be universal and is used in many communications not least of which is air traffic control

It should be –

A – Alfa
B – Bravo
C – Charlie
D – Delta
E – Echo
F- Foxtrot
G – Golf
H- Hotel
I – India
J – Juliett
K – Kilo
L – Lima
M – Mike
N – November
O- Oscar
P- Papa
Q – Quebec
R – Romeo
S – Sierra
T – Tango
U- Uniform
V – Victor
W- Whiskey
X – X-ray
Y – Yankee
Z – Zulu

But this is Italy! :laughs:

Santippey for X? You are pulling my leg Carole! It's for ever EEKS!

(Though I will cede on hotel, and quadro sounds pretty slick, though owning a 'bee emme vu', I'm not so convinced by 'doppio vu' for W!)

I remember one of my Italian teachers giving us the list of Italian towns - but can I find it?? :nah:

Anyway, a quick Google search led me to this:

[B]A[/B] a come Ancona
[B]B[/B] bi come Bologna
[B]C[/B] ci come Catania (o Como)
[B]D[/B] di come Domodossola
[B]E[/B] e come Empoli (o Enna)
[B]F[/B] effe come Firenze
[B]G[/B] gi come Genova
[B]H[/B] acca come Hotel
[B]I[/B] i come Imola
[B]L[/B] elle come Livorno
[B]M[/B] emme come Milano
[B]N[/B] enne come Napoli
[B]O[/B] o come Otranto
[B]P[/B] pi come Palermo (o Padova)
[B]Q[/B] cu come Quarto
[B]R[/B] erre come Roma
[B]S[/B] esse come Savona (Salerno, Siena)
[B]T[/B] ti come Torino
[B]U[/B] u come Udine
[B]V[/B] vi come Verona (Venezia)
[B]Z [/B] zeta come Zara (Zurigo)

[url=http://www.locuta.com/telef.html][B][COLOR="Sienna"][COLOR="Olive"][B]FORMULE TELEFONICHE[/B][/COLOR][/COLOR][/B][/url]

A couple of missed ones

J - Jersey
K -Kursaal
W -Washington
X -Xeres
Y- York/Yacht

To digress a bit and just for fun; can anyone do a forum alphabet?

I’ll give you R for Ronald :bigergrin:

[quote=Nielo;117640]To digress a bit and just for fun; can anyone do a forum alphabet?

I’ll give you R for Ronald :bigergrin:[/quote]

Yes! That will be fun. I'll start with A for Aretina (sorry Angie and Robert, but Aretina gets my vote solely because it is a one name 'A')

and onto B...next post please


Please can I have J before JC gets it???

[quote=Charles Phillips;117642]Yes! That will be fun. I'll start with A for Aretina (sorry Angie and Robert, but Aretina gets my vote solely because it is a one name 'A')[/quote]
You've forgotten Anastasia and Aliena.

For G- Ghianda!

Surely, there is only one al;phabet

A is for ‘orses

B for mutton

C for miles

D for dumb

E for Peron [used to be "E for Ivor" when I was a lad]

F for vescent

G for police

H from Steps

I for the engine

J for cakes

K for teria

L for leather

M for size

N for lope

O for the rainbow

P for relief

Q for a bus

R for Fowler [how did Eastenders get in?]

S for Rantzen

T for gums

U for mystic

V for la France

W money

X for breakfast

Y for runts

Z for wind


This is my favorite:
[url=http://talis_white_crow.tripod.com/RIP_Gorey/GashleyCrumb.html]~ Edward Gorey's "The Gashley Crumb Tinies" ~[/url]
Click on each name for a lovely illustration.

H - is for Hopla!!![/quote]

I is for IRITALIA...

K for Karina Walderson

(Have you noticed, that except for Carole B choosing elliven, EVERYBODY else has chosen a user name starting with a CAPITAL letter?)

I was dreading that one coming up Charles - but it was funny.

L is for Like the Roman (or even possibly Lavender Fields)

I suppose that [SIZE=4][B]O[/B][/SIZE][SIZE=3] will have to be for oneto15[/SIZE]

Of course it will David - just as P is for Percy!

Just like Italians - we're stumped on Q, so lets move on.

R is for Relaxed - gone, but not forgotten.

Don't be daft Carole - everyone knows S is for Silly.

[FONT=Century Gothic]V is for [/FONT][URL="http://www.italymag.co.uk/forums/members/villa-sibillini.html"][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=#00002e]villa sibillini[/COLOR][/FONT][/URL][FONT=Century Gothic] (I also had to use the member's list but I did choose someone with lots of posts :bigergrin:)[/FONT]

W is for Wishful Thinker - one of the funniest guys I have never met!

[quote=juliancoll;117790]Just like Italians - we're stumped on Q, so lets move on.[/quote]

Not so quickly, my dear.

'Q' is the gadget man in 007, the forum gadget man has got to be Geotherm.