12235 God bless America...

Now why, oh, why after so long fiddling with pasta did Italians not come up with this?
[url=http://tinyurl.com/cw4ccr]Domino's: Eat Your Pasta. In A Bread Bowl.[/url]


Circolo di Conversazione


Any good for you?

Hmmmm this could catch on in Glasgow except it would have to be dipped in batter and deep fried as well.

[quote]Hmmmm this could catch on in Glasgow except it would have to be dipped in batter and deep fried as well.[/quote]
The pasta in the bread bowl or the puke?

Only if the puke had carrots in it :winki:.....this is getting gross...

For the Glaswegians (hope it works this time!)

Diced carrots, as I believe was specified Billy Connolly....OMG, you mean that nowadays they dispel carrots whole :goofy:

In my part of Glasgow - only carrot "batons" from Marks and Spencer are acceptable.....

Actually, I did taste deep fried pasta at the Sassi festa in July - not that nice but the locals like it?

This could be the American answer to the baked bean sandwich. Terrible combinations.