12317 May Day - What's happening in your Area


Buona Festa to those of us with a holiday today:smile:

Just wondered if any of you have particular traditions/events that happen in your area on May Day (MAY 1st).

Just had the pleasure of watching around 200 people, with children, dogs, horses, etc etc. happily taking part in an event that seems to have been going on here for years.

The villagers of San Firmina, at the bottom of our hill, around 200m, take part in a communal walk (probably around 10 km) from their village to the top of the 'mountain' behind us 900m (guess for Sue that it really is just a hill!) where a Mass is held at the top under the huge cross and using the permanent altar that is there. The priest is brought up by 4x4 using another route from the other side of the mountain. Same system for the elderly and those who cannot manage the walk. After the Mass, they will walk another 3 km or so over a ridge to a large recreational area/picnic area where the good folk of San Firmina who are not walking will have prepared a fantastic 4 course lunch. It looks a bit like an army field kitchen with the stuff they get up there.

We are at 500m and next door, our lovely Orto (vegetable garden only) neighbour Oswaldo
hosts a breakfast for everyone on their way up the hill.

Last year, Vaz (the dog!) and I joined them but this year I have a sick note:winki: and despite Oswaldo's pleadings I haven't made the trip.

For me, a fantastic event/experience - where there is no great expense, a true community spirit and something which encompasses all generations. It is another great example of why life here is rewarding, yes - there are problems in many areas and for many people, but occasions like this do make the 'heart sing':smile: One of the great things about Italian life!!:yes:

General chat about Italy


Buona Festa to those of us with a holiday today:smile:

Just wondered if any of you have particular traditions/events that happen in your area on May Day (MAY 1st).

Just had the pleasure of watching around 200 people, with children, dogs, horses, etc etc. happily taking part in an event that seems to have been going on here for years.

The villagers of San Firmina, at the bottom of our hill, around 200m, take part in a communal walk (probably around 10 km) from their village to the top of the 'mountain' behind us 900m (guess for Sue that it really is just a hill!) where a Mass is held at the top under the huge cross and using the permanent altar that is there. The priest is brought up by 4x4 using another route from the other side of the mountain. Same system for the elderly and those who cannot manage the walk. After the Mass, they will walk another 3 km or so over a ridge to a large recreational area/picnic area where the good folk of San Firmina who are not walking will have prepared a fantastic 4 course lunch. It looks a bit like an army field kitchen with the stuff they get up there.

We are at 500m and next door, our lovely Orto (vegetable garden only) neighbour Oswaldo
hosts a breakfast for everyone on their way up the hill.

Last year, Vaz (the dog!) and I joined them but this year I have a sick note:winki: and despite Oswaldo's pleadings I haven't made the trip.

I was in Italy for May Day back in 2005 and it was fantastic, so much better than the UK. The Italians really know how to celebrate it in style.
For me, a fantastic event/experience - where there is no great expense, a true community spirit and something which encompasses all generations. It is another great example of why life here is rewarding, yes - there are problems in many areas and for many people, but occasions like this do make the 'heart sing':smile: One of the great things about Italian life!!:yes:[/quote]

I was in Italy for May Day in 2005 I think it was. It was really a fantastic experience. The Italians really put the British to shame.

:winki:Looks like Italy was closed:winki:

Not the same situation here -

Buona Festa Aretina and everyone.

Our beautiful village of Palombaro (Chieti region) is hosting a festa where you can eat, fava, cheese and prosciuto all enjoyed with a glass of wine or 2, we are off there in about 1 hour.

The Italians sure know how to host a party the festas here are fantastic.


Ciao Aretina, your are lucky to have a special festa for we just have lots and lots of Romans visiting our village for the weekend. Most of my Italian friends are complaining that there's no "ponte". And there wasn't one for Liberation Day and there won't be one for Ferragosta either, so I'm told... You know the Italians and their bridges!

I had completely forgotten it was Festa (I thought it was tomorrow...) but when I opened the bedroom window today I found the sky full of hot air balloons, and realised it wasn't a normal working day. I had always thought of ballooning as a very peaceful pastime, but the noise that the burners make (even when the balloons were about 1k away) was deafening.

There is the kite flying and hot air balloon show on in Castiglione del Lago all this weekend, and there was a tractor procession through the roads this morning with lots of red flags being waved, even with hammers and sickles, followed by a comradely picnic! Something for everyone really.