12369 controlling building companies......

the results of a vast finance police operation started in 2006 called "operation Pandora"have just hit the news.apparently 5.246 enterprises omitted to declare a total of 3.billion euro!!!,500mln euro of VAT non paid and over 10.000 irregular workers "discovered"
this huge operation has finally hit into the iceberg below the water line.Anybody requiring the services of builders is well advised to get regular registered builders and pay them ONLY thru bank transfers .un negotiable cheques etc but NO CASH...

General chat about Italy

its something that they are now taking control of here.... even limits on the amount of cash being carried personally into the country even confiscating euros above the limit... banks now cannot issue cash at one time beyond these limits or payments made over them... above a certain limit a payment has to be made by cheques...

sorry to be vague on the amount but they keep reducing it... and i believe now it is e3000 but stand to be corrected...

we have to fill out a registered three page document on the provenience of all payments made to us in a building sale... whatever the amount... and have to identify the people involved by their code fiscale... the amount and the type of payment... this has to be kept in a register that can be controlled at any time...

both for whose selling and who is buying...the payments made registered in the final act on the property and as i have said before false declarations by people buying about making no payments to an agent leave you very open to having a large fine or even the property taken from you...

there are serious attempts being taken here under European controls to make Italy rapidly move into a real economy... its an ongoing and very detailed attempt and has serious consequences for both the client and the people you use....

its basically simple...unless they are registered for VAT(IVA) then they are not working legally here...and if your bill and you have to have a bill and keep it for several years does not show this then you will be more liable than the people you used... cause they have been here a long time and have friends... you will have a property here and run a risk of having at the very least a huge debt attached to it.. its worth while considering all of the above when you make your decisions here...

as with parking motoring fines... its a sure slow system and nothing sticks out more than building works...inside or outside... in fact its so obvious that i'm always surprised when people think they can get away with these things... at least show a bit of sense and sort it out in terms of a percentage... providing that is the person doing the work for you is registered at all

check as sebastiano clearly says that any paperwork handed to you at any stage requiring payments or quotes for work has the chamber of commerce registration number, the P.IVA number, the address of the person or company doing the quote/work and be prepared that six months or even a few years down the line you might well be asked to produce receipts for an extension, a paint job, a new fireplace or even a fridge... definitely all house sales go through their system... and now they check all car purchases looking for differences in declared earnings against purchases of new vehicles... one of the ways that things lead back is that the stupid builder might buy himself or his wife a nice new car... when they start on him/her the trail leads to others