12433 Abruzzo Earthquake and Esselunga Supermarket


Those of you living in Esselunga land - Lombardy, Tuscany, Emilia Romagna, Piemonte, Veneto and Liguria and who are Esselunga shoppers might have seen that Esselunga has set up a fund-raising scheme for customers to donate 500 loyalty points to aid for the victims of the earthquake.


General chat about Italy

That's a good idea. At my coop (part of the Centro Italia group) they have Abruzzo collection boxes at every check out till, and many people put their small change into these boxes.

Great idea, but there are no Esslunga this far north. But I wonder if my 'Iperal' group up here in the Valtellina would do the same thing with their 'points'?

I'm just going out - I'll pass by later and see if I can find out.