12406 Neilo's actions on Saturday

Just a precis of what took place yesterday.

Shortly after I imposed a 2-day ban on Juliancoll Neilo started a number of threads in quick succession on the following topics;

- What colour to wear to her daughter's wedding.

- Rome to Ancona avoiding tunnels

- Changing the colour of tiles in her swimming pool

Its clear from the frivolous nature of the questions and from the replies that this was an attempt to satirise Sally Donaldson's occasionally trivial posts and to derail the forums.

None of the posts was reported, but I took the decision to delete the threads because members like Lotan, who has a track record of providing genuinely useful information, were being duped into replying to them and made to look stupid.

This action was followed by a spate of incredulous 'what have I/he done wrong?' questions from Neilo's circle which were apparently designed to engage me in a long round of explanation and argument over the issue and the procedures I followed. I decided not to participate in this game, since it is clear to all the supposedly offended parties what Neilo's agenda was.

That's my side of the story, and I have received messages from other members thanking me for my action. Notwithstanding, I'm open feedback from my fellow Mods if any of you see it differently.

Buona domenica!


Brave you. Its hard to see an end to the difficulties. Roll on the 15th May. I imagine Mediated Anarchist and Lolita might be Juliancoll?

I'm pretty sure that Mediated Anarchist is JC, but I have a hunch that Lollita isn't. If MA stops posting when JC ban is lifted then we'll know. Fun times eh?