Italian Language for Make-Up

| Sat, 03/15/2014 - 04:00

With more and more restrictions on the amount of liquids you can take on a plane, chances are you will pack just the essential if you are travelling with hand luggage only. This also means leaving most of your make-up (trucco) behind. So we thought it would be useful to know what to ask for if you want to buy a lipstick or a foundation once you are in Italy.

Check our essential make-up vocabulary below.




Lipstick - Rossetto

Lip gloss - Lucidalabbra

Lip balm - Burro cacao

Mascara - Mascara

Foundation - Fondotinta

Concealer - Correttore

Powder - Cipria

Eye shadow - Ombretto

Eyeliner - Eyeliner

Pencil - Matita

Blush - Blush or Fard

Brush - Pennello

False Eyelashes - Ciglia finte

Nail colour - Smalto