klianza's activity

Questions Asked

Where can I find information on cities startng with the letter A near Mt. Etna? 

Mon, 05/26/2014 - 18:42

Where can I find information about Town Criers in late 1800's and/or early 1900's?

Sat, 04/12/2014 - 20:10

Comments posted

Fri, 05/30/2014 - 22:04

I guess you think you are being funny? Not worth hearing from you.

Fri, 05/30/2014 - 22:00

The problem, Sir (if you are a male) I have looked at maps (some better then Google). If I was successful in finding what I am looking for, I certainly wouldn't need information from you. Why don't you look it up on a google map after you find Sicily and Etna.  See if you can find a city starting with "A"?  If you find it, you are smarter then most, and I will give you a thumbs up.Meanwhile, please do not respond to any of my postingsHave a good day.

Fri, 05/30/2014 - 21:47

Thanks again for your info and time.  Actually, I live in Houston, Texas.  At one time we had all  my parents  papers since he left Naples and his boat arrived in Ellis Island, Booklyn, New York, on March 31, 1906. Unfortunately, my Mom and Dad's home burned down, and we lost many precious things, some included my Dad's papers, and some were saved because they kept many of the documents in a fire proof "foot locker".   That box has been lost or in the hands of my brother.  We managed to get some copies of his time in the US Army.but my brother knows he had them, but doesn't know where.he has put them.  I decided to try and research this myself his life by myself. I have used the internet and looked at maps of Sicily, to no success.Thanks again for you assistance.  I appreciate your kindness and responce.God Bless

Thu, 05/29/2014 - 17:47

Thank you. I am not sure that would help since IF the informstion is in alphabetical order, I would think cities starting with A, might not be listed.  However if the info you are finding the B's in is listing ALL cities and starts with A, I could try to use that.  Thank you again for your respnse.