Flying Formations UK business setup's activity

Questions Asked

Ciao. I help many Italians to setup their Business in the UK. If you are looking to setup a business in the UK we are happy to help. We are the exclusive business setup partner with the Italian Chamber of Commerce in London :-)

Mon, 03/09/2015 - 11:00

Comments posted

Mon, 03/09/2015 - 11:10

Ciao. I can help you and provide a solution to this problem. We are currently helping many clients from all over Italy who are providing various Italian products to the UK market. There is huge demand in the UK for Italian products such as wine, pasta, oils etc. Can you email me

Mon, 03/09/2015 - 11:06

Hi. Where are you looking to setup your business? You can send me further details and i would be happy to helkp you;