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Tue, 08/09/2016 - 08:11

I also have terrible yellow stains on all my guests sheets from sun cream. Unfortunately as it was a wet day on changeover day, I took all the bed linen down to the laundrette and then used a drier, and so set in the stains. I decided as the cream is a grease, to try a sgrassatore spray. I used AMUCHINA superfici spray - Disinfettante Sgrassatore Attivo, to give its correct name. I tried it on a pillowcase and sprayed the whole pillowcase. Quite scary as it then turned brilliant yellow!. I left it like that for hours, then I rinsed in cold water and tried another. Then I put them in the washing machine on a hot wash also with Vanish oxi action for whites AND an Omino Bianco Idrocap. I probably went over the top with additives. Wonderful outcome........Brilliant white pillowcases!! I hope that this will help as we are both in Italy and the spray is easy to find in the COOP. good Luck!