Monica Romano's activity

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Mon, 05/01/2017 - 06:53

Were you able to find the help you needed. If not, Let me know. I can get you in touch with someone who can help. 

Mon, 05/01/2017 - 06:44

This sounds really complicated! If you have not found the necessary help, I have contacts over in Italy. Where is the garage ? which City? Let me know if you would like to talk to a solicitor, friend of mine. She is amazing. But it depends where. 

Mon, 05/01/2017 - 06:33

Inheritance tax has changed in Italy and it has all become very expensive. My advise to you is to ge the relevant information. If you need advise, I have a contact over in Italy. She is a solicitor and helped me alot. Let me know if you want to talk to her. 

Mon, 05/01/2017 - 06:26

Do you mean Piedimonte Matese, Caserta? I may be able to help. If you have not been able to solve the issue. Contattami.