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Mon, 08/27/2018 - 06:08

Ah yes, if I recall correctly that was the piece in the Independent back in March of 2017.  Yes, Abruzzo is 'unspoilt' and there have been great efforts made to keep it that way so it won't turn into a destination overrun with tourists like so many other areas of Italy.    

Sun, 08/26/2018 - 20:59

Abruzzo is the fastest growing region in Italy and one of the fastest growing areas in Europe, great place to buy right now.  Landslides are usually a result byproduct of the earthquakes the area periodically suffers.  The earthquakes are more of an issue but that's what comes (natural disasters) in any beautiful area of the world.  There aren't many sources in English for real estate in Abruzzo, you're best option would be to hire an agent in the area and allow them to advise.  You'll certaintly need to learn the language though, if you plan to make that your primary residence or spend any considerable time there.  Abruzzo is by far the most underrated region and has everything Tuscany has (apart from the art) and more, the ability to live off the land is much more plentiful than Tuscany.  Good luck!