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Questions Asked

 I am new to the forum, and have enjoyed the helpful participation I have seen so far.I am considering the purchase of an ancestral house in Northern Italy, and I have many, many questions.

Fri, 06/19/2009 - 13:56

Comments posted

Answer to: Charities
Thu, 09/24/2009 - 02:33

 I can not comment or advise on your post,( I am in the U.S), but as there are very few posts from Friuli, I am curious.  My roots are in Friuli, and I have been considering the purchase of an ancestral home there.  (small village in the Dolomites, very easy to get to, not far from things.)  I am simply curious about your experience in the region, impressions, life style observations, ease or difficulty of operating, anything noteworthy or otherwise.  I have visited a number of times, but only briefly, and I am sure it is no longer the place of my grandparents stories. Sincerely

Sat, 06/20/2009 - 22:27

 Thank you so much for your reply, and your welcoming me  to the forum.  I have been viewing posts and their replies, and I hoped (somehow I knew ) your reply would be first, or one of the first.Your reply is very informative, and naturally raises many questions, but I will take more time to organize my thoughts. I have no pretense of material gain on this endeavor. I realize that I have a strong emotional involvement, not the best position from which to invest.  It is simply a thought that will not go away, so I will give it more investigative energy.  My wife and I are mid career artists ( self employed in other words), and have some flexibility in our schedules.  I feel we could allocate blocks of time to be on site.  Again, I don't want to get ahead of myself.Many friends and associates with experience in similar matters have advised against the project.  They paint a black and white picture of facts.  I see many gray areas, which keep the possibility alive in my mind.  I'm not giving up yet.  We are very near San Francisco.  Please feel free to notify us if you will be in the area.Thanks again for your reply and advice, and I will respond in the future with more specifics if that is ok with youPaul