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Answer to: house build
Sun, 01/30/2011 - 10:15

As one who has been there, can I advise you that you are completely wasting your time in the Italian courts system which is totally disfunctional and chaotic. Unless your claim is for a large amount (like Eur 50,000) you are wasting your time.The whole legal system is a game in Italy which earns Lawyers fee income and gets you nowhere. If the other side is half decent they can get cases delayed and you will be still litigating in 5 years and will have spent Euro 5,000 on legal fees.Just spend that Euro 5,000 on fixing the house. Most Italian houses are built to fairly shoddy standards so 3 years for a few faults to raise their head is not bad - most have the render falling off by then due to inadequate cover on the steel!!That's my advice - Sicily Chap