Mike and Pat's activity

Questions Asked

We have a holiday home in Triora Western Liguria, which we rent out in the summer months. The Ligurian authorities now require us to register for this and obtain a CITRA code to continue advertising the property.

Wed, 07/31/2019 - 07:39

Comments posted

Wed, 07/31/2019 - 10:34

Thanks, we’ll give it a try

Wed, 07/31/2019 - 10:13

Just tried it with my wife’s email, exactly the same response!  

Wed, 07/31/2019 - 10:02

Hi, that’s exactly what we tried to do and failed. After filling in all of part one we press the save data button and it says the email entered is not valid. It is our valid email address that we have used for the last 10 years! We emailed the local office in Imperia and the reply just sent us back to the same online form.