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Questions Asked

Hi everyonewe are just at offer stage on an amazing flat in a small town in Le Marche. It needs lots of work doing to it although it’s structurally sound.

Sun, 09/08/2019 - 13:45

Comments posted

Fri, 02/28/2020 - 04:18

Thank you everyone. Very helpful. As a non-resident it doesn’t sound like we can benefit.

we have an Italian accountant however so it might be worth a chat to see if it is a possibility. I guess we could be residents in 10 years. Who knows?


thank you!



Mon, 09/09/2019 - 13:34

Thanks for the helpful reply. This confirms my suspicion that the water needs to be seperated for the property to be sold. You make a good point on sharing. My understanding is  that there is one meter (and presumably therefore one bill!) and both flats feed from the same inlet on the street. We have already accepted that we need to replace all iron pipes in our property and run new water up to the apartment, to kitchen and bathrooms etc, and have a geometra estimate to do that.I guess what you highlight is that the neighbour may have to do something similar. The problem is that we understand she is 95 and not actually living in her flat. We have accepted the offer on the basis that:1. The owner works with the agent and geometra to develop a plan to split the water. 2. They try and get the neighbour to agree to that plan.3. The vendor pays for his share of the work.4. We can back out of the neighbour doesn't agree. But that seems like a tough job and I worry they won't manage to get the agreement. I guess we should be patient and see what happens?Thanks again.