English rose's activity

Questions Asked

 I am new to the Forum, currently in England but my heart is firmly in Le Marche where we have been trying, rather unsuccessfully sadly, to buy a house for the last couple of years. I'm delighted to see a Circolo for Pets in the Forum.  I'm a vete

Wed, 07/22/2009 - 07:59

Comments posted

Wed, 07/22/2009 - 15:26

Thank you so much for that Adriatica, most useful info. As regards to the house buying, we thought we had found our dream property (via an Italian agent).  We later found there were five owners and serious inheritance issues.  It was devastating to be told by the most scrupulous notaio that it was going to be almost impossible to buy it with a good title.  The house is still being advertised quite widely by several agents and I cringe to think of someone else going through the same problems that we encountered.My Italian is coming on steadily, it's the conversation side that is lacking.  It improves quite a bit after a glass or two of wine strangely enough!I expect I will have to start pet-sitting on a very informal basis.  It's often word of mouth that works for these ventures and we wouldn't be going for an extensive (or expensive) outlay at the start.  Catteries are licensed over here by the local council so I will have to find out if the same applies in Le Marche.As far as cats go, I expect the same applies: regular worming, regular Frontline or Advocate and keep white noses and ears out of the sun!      

Wed, 07/22/2009 - 08:08

Knowing my luck, probably more of a cat astrophe!