nerola's activity

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Wed, 03/23/2016 - 05:44

We live 120km south of Naples and have done for 10 years. We have never witnessed (or heard of) any drunkness in the streets, muggings and violence which is so common in the UK these days. As a female I would walk on my own at night here which I would never do in the UK. The closest you get to the cities and big towns probably the more likely you are to experience the problems you mentioned. Out in the smaller towns/villages it seems more about people looking out for each other and maintaining the more traditional way of living.

Wed, 03/23/2016 - 05:34

Hi, I live in the Cilento in Campania which is absolutely stunning. The Cilento runs from Agropoli down to Sapri. Naples airport is 1hr 30 mins to Agropoli so longer than your hour limit but its definitely worth a look. Good luck!