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Tue, 02/25/2020 - 12:29

I moved from Italy to the United States a few years ago and faced with problems in the education system. I just could not adapt to this huge amount of writing assignments in college. I had to look for help with the help of reviews. The last thing, I read that review of edusson writing service. And more was not necessary. Edusson helped me. I found some helpful info education in Italy for you.
The state provides free education for all students, from nursery school to university. State education is also free for children of foreigners living in Italy, whether or not they are registered residents. School is compulsory from 6 to 16 years of age.
Scuola Elementare (elementary school) lasts for five years and is preceded by three years of kindergarten which is non-compulsory. Secondary education lasts for 8 years and is divided into Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado and Scuola Media Inferiore. Italian universities are excellent and are among the oldest in the world. Many of the universities are state supported.