Harassment by phone

10/08/2012 - 05:13

I have a very good friend who is being harassed by a previous partner by phone.I remember in the UK that British Telecom had steps they could take to prevent nuisance calls of this nature. Anyone any idea what provision Telecom Italia might have....or any other useful advice please?.



Although this link seems to be more for nuisance commercial type calls, there may well be something TI can do - http://www.telecomitalia.it/assistenza/info-consumatori/segnalazioni-chiamate-indesiderate  so it would be worth speaking to them. Alternatively, she could always report the calls to the carabinieri who would have to act but she may not want to make it quite so official. Horrid situation to be in for her and difficult to know how best to advise without aggravating the situation. Hope it all works out well and the calls stop.

Go to the carabinieri, make a denuncia - it now falls within stalking legislation.  They should record the calls if possible, log date and time of each call. 

In Italy is now a penal offence that is taken unusually seriously .. this kind of telephone harrassment falls under this law.If the person harrassing her is in Italy she can act accordingly.IF the local carabinieri are appearing to take the matter lightly she should tell them that she will be taking the matter up with the legione ( that is the regional high command of the carabinieri)or will be going to the procura (public prosecution),both should suscitate  great interest/activity on their part. if the person (harrassing) is not in Italy it probably gets a bit more complicated but can still be done.Be careful however from what you wrote in the second post has the typical smell of the complicity that victims and their carneficers create and it can backfire despite your more than good intentions("she hasn't gone as far as making a denuncia yet")is she waiting for the worse to come?... Either she battles or she doesn't you can't do it for her.Been there got the T shirt.!

Years ago when I was young and living at home we had a spate of "heavy breather" calls and the police recommended a very shrill whistle blown down the receiver.  Did the trick!