
by Silvia Donati | Tue, 03/19/2019 - 07:27
As part of this year’s celebrations for the 500th anniversary of Leonardo's death, Florence is hosting an exhibition dedicated to Andrea del Verrocchio, master…
by Silvia Donati | Thu, 02/28/2019 - 12:32
The Venice Carnival is currently in full swing, and its highlight sure are the incredible costumes and masks. Even today, the centuries-old tradition of the…
by John Bensalhia | Wed, 02/27/2019 - 16:20
Carnival season may be over, but Spring's here! John Bensalhia lists some events guaranteed to put some sunshine in your life... We've just covered carnival…
Food & Drink
by Francine Segan | Fri, 02/22/2019 - 03:06
Carnevale is celebrated during the 40 days before Easter and is one of Italy’s biggest winter festivals with parades, special entertainments, music and…
by kristinmelia | Thu, 02/14/2019 - 01:30
Most of us are familiar with Venice's famously enchanting Carnevale season. All masks and pageantry and secrets- so befitting of the misty canals and darkened…
by Silvia Donati | Wed, 02/06/2019 - 04:00
Leonardo da Vinci’s thumbprint has been discovered on one of his drawings belonging to the Royal Collection Trust of Queen Elizabeth II. The thumbprint was…
by Silvia Donati | Fri, 02/01/2019 - 00:00
Art lovers rejoice: 2019 is a year of exceptional exhibitions in Italy, from those celebrating Leonardo on the 500th anniversary of his death to Venice…
by John Bensalhia | Wed, 01/30/2019 - 12:02
February is cause for celebration as carnival season gets underway in Italy. There are many carnival events happening all around Italy – I've selected a…
by Silvia Donati | Tue, 01/29/2019 - 09:26
2019 marks the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci's death, with events planned all over Italy. In Milan, where Leonardo lived for 23 years, working at the…
by John Bensalhia | Sat, 12/29/2018 - 11:09
John Bensalhia kicks off 2019 with an extra helping of Italian events... Welcome to 2019! The new year begins with a month crammed full of excellent events and…