Insurance - make sure your wedding is covered

| Mon, 05/14/2007 - 07:14

Have you thought about what you would do if, through unforeseen circumstances, your wedding abroad had to be rearranged or even cancelled? Here we look at some possible scenarios:

Have you thought about what you would do if, through unforeseen circumstances, your wedding abroad had to be rearranged or even cancelled? Here we look at some possible scenarios:

Your wedding day should be one of the happiest days of your life. Months, even years of planning should mean that you can enjoy the wedding of your dreams. Naturally, people don't like to think about disasters happening to ruin their big day but sadly, however, sometimes things can and do go wrong.

What would you do if...

A member of the wedding party is taken ill on the morning of the wedding and you are therefore forced to cancel your big day?

The biggest single financial risk is if the wedding day had to be cancelled or rescheduled. With the average cost of weddings now over £17,000 many couples could not afford to lose this much money should the worst happen? There are many reasons why couples are forced to cancel their wedding; from family illness, death, jury service or even a last-minute job posting overseas, should the bride or groom be a member of the armed forces. Wedding insurance covers the cost of most unforeseen events, with the exception of the bride or groom not going through with the marriage through cold feet or a similar reason!

Your chosen venue burns down a month before the wedding?

Imagine the scene; you have booked the venue of your dreams but wake one morning to a telephone call telling you there has been a fire and the venue can no longer honour your booking. What would you do? Wedding Insurance would cover any loss of deposits and any additional costs incurred in finding an alternative venue. The dress shop you are buying from goes into liquidation before you have picked up your dress? Sadly some brides put deposits down for their dream dress and return to the shop at a later date to find it closed or gone into administration. In these instances, very few actually get their money back from the proprietors of the shop. Insurance will reimburse any lost deposits, allowing you to go elsewhere to find the dress of your dreams.

The dress goes missing on the flight to your wedding destination?

Although many airline carriers are accommodating brides marrying abroad by allowing dresses to go as hand luggage, not all will do so. Sadly some couples worst nightmares come true when they are left standing at the luggage carousel, wondering where their suitcase has gone. Insurance will cover the cost of the missing items.
With an increase in the number of couples getting married abroad there is an increasing number of things, which can wrong between countries. Couples have experienced airport delays and missed getting to their wedding venue on time, luggage has gone missing or the weather has prevented ceremonies taking place. With the average cost of marrying abroad around £3000, many couples cannot afford to lose this amount of money and, let's face it, cars bought for this amount of money are insured, so it makes sense to do the same with weddings!

insurrance wedding