Totti wife sorry for Janet Jackson moment during San Remo

| Wed, 03/01/2006 - 05:55

Ilary Blasi, the wife on footballer Totti, apologised on Tuesday for her 'Janet Jackson moment' on the opening night of Italy's top TV show of the year, the Sanremo Song Fest.

"Maybe I relaxed a bit too much, I don't know. The fact is, something came out that shouldn't have," said Ilary Blasi about the wardrobe slip that gave millions of viewers a glimpse of nipple.

The Italian media said the incident was one of the few surprises in a first night whose humdrum familiarity left audience share sagging below previous openings. The head of state-owned RAI TV's flagship Raiuno channel said "no major changes" were required after the disappointing start.

"All we need is some fine-tuning," said Fabrizio Del Noce.

The Sanremo gig is the biggest in years for Blasi, 28, a former dancing girl who virtually retired ahead of her marriage to soccer star Francesco Totti last year. Italian newspapers said Blasi's fellow presenter, former MTV VJ Victoria Cabello, "stole the show" on Monday night by persuading Pulp Fiction star John Travolta to give her a foot massage.