In Memorium and Appreciation

Capo Boi Image
03/22/2010 - 14:22

There was once a very important and self indulgent potato who had three daughters. One day his eldest daughter said that she had fallen in love with a fellow potato and wished her father's consent to marry him. 'Who is this potato?' said her father only concerned about his social standing.  'I hope you will approve of him' said his daughter, 'he's a King Edward'. 'A King Edward' said her father, thinking only of his own further advancement.  'You have my consent to marry him'. A few years passed before the potato's second daughter expressed a wish to marry. 'Who is your suitor?'  demanded her father 'A Jersey Royal' said his daughter, 'I'm sure you will find this match to your agreement'. Again royality connections beckoned and her father readily approved to the match. More years passed before the potato's third daughter asked for a meeting with her father. 'I'm head over heels in love and would like your permission to marry' she said. 'What is his name?' demanded her father. 'Harry Carpenter' she replied. 'You can't possibly marry him' said her father, 'he's just a commen tator'.


Well seeing as nobody has replied out of 16 viewings .... Where do these come from? I think they are great Capo Boi, keep  it up for us . Have to inform you that my early potatoes are in already, expect to have them for lunch soon.