tasso's activity

Questions Asked

www.amazon.it has started today.

Tue, 11/23/2010 - 19:44

 Some people may be interested in the impressively low rankings achieved by Italy in this year's World Bank Report on the ease of doing business in world economies.

Mon, 11/16/2009 - 08:57

Comments posted

Mon, 06/01/2009 - 12:41

 This site is useful: http://www.parconazionale5terre.it/news_parco_primo_piano.asp?id_lingue=2&pag=1It has maps of the paths, and information on the Cinque Terre Card you have to buy to walk the main coastal path - a good income-generator for the National Park.If you are going to splash out and buy one of the cards that give you unlimited train travel between la Spezia and Levanto, and (for extra) boat travel,  then you could get one of the more frequent direct trains from Aulla to la Spezia  http://trenitalia.it/homepage_en.html  (currently works only for trains up to June 13) and buy your card at the Park Information Office on the station there before catching the next train.

Fri, 05/29/2009 - 20:09

 Links now sorted.  Thanks to whoever did whatever.

Sun, 05/24/2009 - 21:36

Why are all the posted links not active?Not much point in posting links here if they are going to be dead!

Wed, 05/20/2009 - 12:52

The provincia of la Spezia: http://www.turismoprovincia.laspezia.it/en/destinations/golfo-dei-poeti/...The provincia of Imperia: http://www.visitrivieradeifiori.it/The city of Genoa: http://www.genova-turismo.it/spip.php?lang=en (this site is painfully slow to load, but once up works very well and is massively informative).Almost all of the larger comunes have tourist information on their websites, and many of the very small ones. Do a Google search on 'comune' 'name of place' and 'turismo'. But because of the low number of English speaking tourists in much of Liguria, rather few of these sites are good in English. Among the ones which are, are Alassio, Santa Margherita Ligure and Sestri Levante.