Conrad's activity

Questions Asked

Hello my name is Conrad and I live in Nottingham, England.   Way back in 1982 I was fortunate enough to be posted out to Sardinia with the RAF with my wife and two bambini.

Tue, 07/14/2009 - 09:45

Comments posted

Answer to: Ciao to everyone
Thu, 07/16/2009 - 13:20

I am english and live near Nottingham, England. Your english is OKTo be honest it is better than most of my english friends! I am also new. I cannot see where your photo's have been uploaded I want to see as much of Italy as possible so I would like to see them.If you are reading this Valentina please could you explain how to view Marco's photographs.A presto!

Wed, 07/15/2009 - 09:49

LOLGrazie LuciaYes I can see now it's Fabio.  I get more enjoyment watching Fabio than the team. He is really interesting. Never seems to show his emotions. There is definetly a likeness to the late Tommy Cooper though!I think I would be a bag of nerves in a one to one teaching situation but hopefully my self confidence will grow as I progress.A presto! 

Wed, 07/15/2009 - 09:37

Hi Gerbillo,I'm sure we will fall in love with many places. One of the reasons to retire in Italy is the climate. As you are no doubt aware the south has a better climate. There seems to be a divide between the rich industrial north and the poorer rural south.I think I am just a non materalistic peasant at heart so I think personally I would like a quiet village or small town in maybe Calabria or one of the neighbouring regions.Are you Italian?  I expect London has a large italian community.Take care Conrad. 

Wed, 07/15/2009 - 09:27

Thank you Gala.I noticed you live in Spain with a home in Italy.  Not having ever tried to learn Spanish are the two languages similar?I can see from learning Italian where many english words derive from. I guess it comes down from the Latin.Your italian home sounds idylic. Lucky you!Kind regardsConrad. 

Tue, 07/14/2009 - 19:02

Grazie Lucia.Tommy Cooper?Currently I am self studying using Linguaphone, Poisner and a few other interactive packages. I am also reading as much italian text as possible. Having lived in Sardinia for 3 years I have picked up much but I want to learn italian to a good standard.I will definetly be thinking of one to one tution as I progress beyond the beginner/ intermediate stage. Meanwhile if you know of any evening classes starting in September in the Nottingham area please let me know.I live over in Eastwood.Ciao ! 

Tue, 07/14/2009 - 18:47

Grazie Valentina,I think the most obvious cultural difference is the British are somewhat reserved in their approach to life especially when meeting people whereas Italians generally are not afraid to ask questions yet still remain respectful and tend not to be judgemental. I cannot ever remember having a bad experience except when we first lived in Sardinia we took over an apartment that was previously occupied by Germans.  Having blond hair they thought we were Germans and were cold towards us. Once our landlord put the word around we were inglesi they could'nt do enough for us!  I understand the Sardinians have a deep routed hatred from what took place during the war.  I hope that the Sardinian's of today have forgiven what transpired in the past and welcome all to their land.  I dont think my fellow brits at the time had much tollerance to the laid back way of life but I loved the fact that the Italians/Sardinians ( they are only Italians if Italy are playing! ) would do almost anything for you as long as it was domani !  We revisit Sardinia next year, 25 years have now past and it will be interesting to see any changes.I have subscribed to your subjects/thread and hope you invite many more to the community.Ciao !