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Hi Views on the above, do people feel they do not always get replies? Of course it is difficult as people just may not answer, but the numbers may tell...

Sat, 05/08/2010 - 13:46

Comments posted

Thu, 10/22/2020 - 11:10

Chris I take it neither of you are not old enough for a uk state pension and therefore an S1?

Thu, 10/22/2020 - 05:46

I think you are very right to be concerned, but being still prepared to rely on a professional body without finding out for yourself if things are in order I would say is a bigger concern. Does the person own the place, is there any debt or other liability outstanding. Is the building in good state of repair e.g. does the roof need replacing is the place you are buying top floor. Does the place match the plans in all detail e.g. same windows and doors in the same place and same size. Yes you could get a professional(s) to check all these things, but you probably then need to check their findings.

Tue, 10/20/2020 - 05:59

Obviously your best answers will come from Ugo and/or Modicasa. Our experience in buying and selling was that the deed of sale had no surprises as it was basically the already agreed information built up during the process prior. On both occasions the information present was in both Italian and English, then again it was the same notary and he spoke excellent English, although we did also have a translator on both occasion (as required). I should add that the information therein agreed by us prior to the deed was also presented to us in English, we never had to employ a translator. Perhaps fortunate, but then again I don’t think, in the scheme of things,  it would have cost us a lot to have any of this translated.

Fri, 10/16/2020 - 04:17

I would think Italy would be pleased not having too many from the UK with cases here x3 higher!

Thu, 10/15/2020 - 07:50

We sold in pounds, so it can be done. The official rate had to be used on the day and written in the deeds in Euro. 

To me it seems a no brainer, but it depends on how you feel and can you afford to have to pay out more if things are not quite right or indeed lose your money? But I think either could still happen with a solicitor. Have you checked the house agrees with the official plans and who is down as owners? If not, I'm sure modi or Ugo can tell you how to do so. Being able to choose the notary would be perhaps a bit safer? 

Wed, 10/14/2020 - 11:23

They are both tax on the house, I think IMU the property tax and TASI a service tax, not that there is much service... A lot of these things if you put in a web search in Eglish like "difference between tasi imu" you will get English results from the likes of Solicitor sites and other forums. We all have gained from these sites including me, aim is to try to give something back - even if limited .

Wed, 10/14/2020 - 06:15

No TASI and IMU are different.Your comune here (?) will probably have a link to a calculation site here. The comune site will give you information about what is payable and at what rate. Your deeds/sale papers should give you specific information for your house building and land categories. Hopefully you have heating somewhere on your list :)

Thu, 10/08/2020 - 09:23

I’m not really too sure where I recall this information from or if it could help, but perhaps Modicasa and/or Ugo can confirm if it is true/logical. I understand you can pay someone e.g. plumber/builder to do whatever needs doing for the water pipes, but the company must do the final connection work. I’m pretty sure this was the exact same reason (this time local firm in Abruzzo - ACA) i.e. they were insisting on re-connection being outside of the front of the house.

Mon, 10/05/2020 - 17:54


Thu, 10/01/2020 - 04:48

I'm sure everyone on here that knows you Ugo is well aware it is not you that's rude.